I help people with everything related to life insurance for final expenses.

3 stages related to life insurance for final expenses


Sale of Insurance

Manager o Coach

Companies related to life insurance for final expenses


I am Alejandra Pereira and I am here to help you

First we have to know that it is a  Life Insurance for Final Expenses , it is a type of whole life insurance designed to cover funeral expenses when a person dies. A final expense policy is also known as funeral or burial insurance and is popular with seniors.

How did I get here?  Thanks to a referral who invited me to get to know this profession, I began to study to obtain my license, they did the hiring and training, once I reached this stage, the next is to work the insurance sales part helping families with your protection for final expenses.

At this moment I am a District  Manager  due to the time dedicated and the experience obtained, and I am there for you with all the necessary tools to help you achieve the success you are looking for.

Alejandra Pereira

Insurance is not thought, it is taken, because claims are not planned, they arrive.

Benefits we offer by working with us.


Advance of commissions paid the same day of submitting the application.


Excellent product (only 1) life insurance policy to cover final expenses.


Proven lead program system.


Telephone sales opportunity (from the comfort of your home).


Business approvals with broad criteria (99%) of the applications are approved.


Training and training continued.


Simple applications (only 1 page).


Exotic incentive travel for agents.


Health insurance for the agent and his family (Fulfilling production guideline).


Part of my work team

"Since I started my career in this Agency I have had the opportunity to develop professionally and do all the things that I dreamed of since the day I arrived in this country, have my own business, manage my time and economic growth"

Ana M Petit

"As a life insurance agent since 2018 I joined the team of Memorial Insurance group, I have developed a career that I consider successful in the insurance industry in final expenses with the only leading product in the market:" Funeral Advantage "from the company number one: Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company, which has allowed me to grow and achieve job stability "

Gustavo Zambrano

If you have any questions, you can call +1 407 574 1392